Welcome to our school website!

St. Edmund's C of E Primary and Nursery School

A journey to discover 'life in all its fullness'. John 10:10

RE in Action

As a Church of England primary school our main focus for our RE lessons is Christianity and we follow the Understanding Christianity Scheme of Work. However, with the support of the locally agreed syllabus, we aim as a school to give the children the opportunity to explore and develop a greater understand of a number of world faiths. Our RE sessions offer the children a range of ways to find out what they think and feel about ‘The big issues’ but also to be taught what a number of different faith communities value and believe. We aim for our lessons to not just be about sitting and listening to facts but to engage the children in creativity, debate and active learning. We feel it is important for children to be able to ask questions and to learn that we are not all the same but everything we have to say is valued.

Religious Education Policy
