Welcome to our school website!

St. Edmund's C of E Primary and Nursery School

A journey to discover 'life in all its fullness'. John 10:10



Our uniform supplier is MySchoolClothing. 




The link below will take you to their website.



School Uniform


Our children wear:

PE Kit

• Polo shirts, shirts or blouses in white or blue

• Sweatshirts, cardigans or jumpers in royal blue

• Long trousers or shorts in grey or black

• Knee-length skirts in grey or black

• Pinafore dresses in blue

• Socks and/or tights in white, grey or black

• Black shoes or plain black/grey trainers with no logos (sensible boots may also be worn in bad weather)

  • All shoes must have a low heel

• Plain white or blue t-shirt, or a t-shirt with our school logo

• Shorts/tracksuit bottoms in blue or black

• Sensible trainers for outdoor use or plimsolls

• Tracksuit top or jumper in blue or black



Jewellery is not to be worn by pupils in school.


School uniform does not have to have our logo on it. You are very welcome to purchase non-branded uniform from a supermarket or other supplier, as long as the colours match ours.

On the day that your child has PE, they should come to school in their PE kit instead of their usual school uniform. This saves time with getting changed in school and also avoids items of clothing getting lost.





If ears are pierced, then small studs can be worn. However, these must be taken out for PE lessons. If your child cannot take out their own ear studs independently for their PE lessons, please take them out before they come to school that day. In the case of recently pierced ears (for a few weeks only), they can be covered by tape/plasters for PE lessons. Earrings are not allowed at all for swimming lessons.


We suggest that parents/carers should time the piercing of ears at the start of the summer holidays, allowing the necessary time for your child’s ears to heal before they return to school in September.


Personal Items

Children will be provided with all the stationary they require in school and do not require pencil cases or general stationary items in school at any time.


Watches (for the purpose of telling the time) are acceptable but remain the child’s responsibility. Mobile phones, apple watches, Fitbits or any items which can record and/or communicate outside of school are not permitted in the classrooms with pupils at any time.
