St. Edmund's C of E Primary and Nursery School
A journey to discover 'life in all its fullness'. John 10:10
Year 6 shared this video during their British Values assembly. The children said it made them think about the impact they can have on others, in school and at home.
St Edmund's CofE Primary and Nursery School is committed to serving the community of Mansfield Woodhouse and its surrounding areas. At St Edmund's CofE Primary and Nursery School we recognise the ever-changing nature of our multi-cultural and multi-faith United Kingdom, and therefore those it serves. We understand the vital role we have in ensuring that groups or individuals within our school are not subjected to intimidation or radicalization by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.
At St Edmund's CofE Primary and Nursery School these values are regularly promoted through high quality teaching, a program of assemblies and a positive behaviour policy allowing pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute to life in modern Britain.
Schools are required to ensure that the key British values are taught in all UK schools. The Government set out its definition of British Values in the 5 steps defined in the ‘prevent strategy’ – values of :
We have an elected School Parliament. This committee work with the staff to raise standards and ensure that every voice is heard in our school.
The Rule of Law
We have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Positive Behaviour Policy. There are rewards for exhibiting good and caring behaviour as well as showing integrity and consistent demonstration of our values are recognised. Through our school assemblies, circle time and PHSE children are taught how to earn trust, respect and are supported to develop a strong sense of morality; knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing even when it’s difficult. These clear expectations of behaviour support our children in making the right decisions and facilitate learning.
Individual Liberty
We provide a safe and supportive environment in which we encourage all to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms while respecting that everyone else also has the same rights. Pupils are encouraged to make good choices within safe boundaries. They are given the opportunity to resolve conflicts effectively and are supported by staff when needed.
Mutual Respect
We believe that respect for others is a vital component of moral development, encouraging open discussions in all areas but especially in lessons which promote citizenship such as PHSE. We actively support all to develop their own reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, encouraging pupils to understand the rights and responsibilities as citizens within our school and wider community. We regularly support a range of charities – both global and local.
Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Our school is made up of people from a wide range of backgrounds; we aim to promote understanding and appreciation of different faiths and cultures both within school and the wider world. Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs is promoted through the curriculum. We actively promote courtesy and good manners towards all. Ensuring we actively monitor and tackle all forms of bullying and harassment. This includes cyber bullying, prejudice based bullying related to appearance, SEN, race, religion, belief and disability.