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St. Edmund's C of E Primary and Nursery School

A journey to discover 'life in all its fullness'. John 10:10

Ofsted, SIAMS & School Comparison

Ofsted Report & Performance Data


Ofsted Report - July 2021

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Some key quotes from this report:

  • This is a happy and harmonious school.
  • Many parents praise the work of the school. One parent said, “it is more like a family than a school”.
  • Pupils are highly positive about St Edmund’s Church of England Primary School. They say that their teachers are “the best of the best”.
  • Pupils’ safety is paramount in this school.
  • Leaders are ambitious for every pupil. They want pupils to leave the school with the skills and attributes they need to succeed in life.
  • Pupils behave well in lessons and around school. They say, we don’t have bullies in this school it isn’t allowed”.
  • Leaders want pupils to move to the next stage of their education having received a range of rich and enjoyable experiences. Opportunities to enhance the curriculum are deliberately chosen and carefully planned. These include: sport, music and the performing arts.
  • Teachers are ambitious that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the same curriculum as other pupils.


Newspaper Report on our Ofsted Result - July 2021

