Welcome to our school website!

St. Edmund's C of E Primary and Nursery School

A journey to discover 'life in all its fullness'. John 10:10

From the Healthy Families Team

If you need to speak to a health professional from the Healthy Families Team about anything concerning you regarding your child's development, contact them on the details  below:


What they offer

  • The Healthy Family Teams offer a universal service to children aged 4 -19 years reviewing health at key stages and providing information, advice and support about health issues
  • The first point of contact for children, young people and parents, who need health advice or information
  • Good knowledge of other agencies and voluntary organisations and offer advice and support related to health issues
  • Can also refer and signpost to specialist services


Healthy Family Team Advice Line: 0300 123 5436

CHATHEALTH – For confidential advice or support text 07507 329 952
