St. Edmund's C of E Primary and Nursery School
A journey to discover 'life in all its fullness'. John 10:10
"Leaders have made sure that pupils learn a broad range of subjects. Curriculum plans are in place for all subjects. These plans identify the important knowledge that pupils need to remember in each year group. This knowledge is planned so that new learning builds on what pupils already know. Curriculum plans also identify subject-specific vocabulary that will help pupils to remember key learning." - Source Ofsted Inspection Report 2021.
At St. Edmund's, our curriculum is designed to be a progressive and engaging journey of learning, deeply rooted in our Christian values of respect, compassion, perseverance, truth and trust, responsibility, justice, and forgiveness. We believe that a high-quality education should not only equip children with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed academically, but also nurture their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development.
Just as the ‘Learning Challenge Curriculum’ emphasises a clear progression of knowledge, our curriculum ensures that children consistently build upon prior learning across all subjects. For example, in our Religious Education program, children will explore Biblical narratives and Christian teachings, gradually deepening their understanding of faith and its impact on their lives. Similarly, in science, the progression of learning about the natural world will be carefully sequenced, allowing children to build upon their existing knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.
We prioritise the acquisition of both substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Substantive knowledge refers to the key facts, concepts, and information children need to learn within each subject. For example, in history, children will learn about significant historical events and figures. Disciplinary knowledge, on the other hand, focuses on the skills and ways of thinking specific to each subject. This enables children to "think, speak and write like historians," geographers, scientists, and other subject specialists.
Our curriculum utilises a "composite and component" model. Each unit of learning will begin with a central, overarching question (composite), which will then be broken down into smaller, more manageable components. This approach ensures that learning is focused and that children can make meaningful connections between different aspects of the subject matter.
We are committed to ensuring that all children, regardless of their individual needs or backgrounds, have access to a high-quality education. Our curriculum is carefully adapted to meet the diverse learning needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Furthermore, we recognise the interconnectedness of different subjects. Just as "trade and settlements" can serve as "golden threads" in history and geography, we will identify and explore key themes and concepts that connect different areas of the curriculum. This will help children to make meaningful connections between subjects and develop a more holistic understanding of the world around them.
By embracing these principles, we aim to create a curriculum that is both challenging and engaging, equipping our children with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to thrive in the 21st century.
At St. Edmund's, we prioritise effective teaching and learning practices. Our pedagogical approach is informed by robust educational research, incorporating elements of the Rosenshine Principles. We emphasise the importance of:
We will monitor the impact of our curriculum through a range of methods to ensure that children are making strong progress and achieving their full potential. These methods will include:
By implementing these strategies, we will ensure that our children are not only acquiring the knowledge and skills they need for academic success but also developing the character, resilience, and faith that will enable them to thrive as lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
St. Edmund's children embark on a rich and fulfilling learning journey, guided by our Christian values and a commitment to "learning through faith, we dram, believe and achieve." This jounrey culminates in:
In summary, our aim is for all #StEDDIES to be recognised for their unique talents and contributions, to leave St. Edmund's believing in themselves and their abilities, and to be well-prepared for the exciting challenges that lie ahead. They leave our school as confident, compassionate, and inquisitive individuals, ready to make a positive difference in the world.