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St. Edmund's C of E Primary and Nursery School

A journey to discover 'life in all its fullness'. John 10:10

Learning Platforms

A digital learning platform is an integrated set of interactive services that gives teachers, parents, learners, and administrators information, tools, and resources to enhance educational delivery and management. When used effectively, it can significantly improve the quality of teaching and learning.   


Access to online learning resources has revolutionised classroom settings. E-learning has become an invaluable resource for educators and classroom teachers, providing a new model of knowledge sharing that empowers students to learn at their own pace.   


Here at St. Edmund's CofE Primary and Nursery School, we utilise a variety of different learning platforms and resources to support our children on their learning journeys.

Success is defined in different ways by different end-users. Children want to feel a sense of progression and be credited by their teachers, parents and peers. Parents want their children to become more confident in a subject they they may have been more anxious about previously…


DoodleMaths is proven to significantly raise standards in mathematics. Research has proven that if a child uses Doodle Maths for a month for 10 minutes each day, they can make an extra +3 months progress, on average.


This is also the case for DoodleTables – an app that allows your child(ren) to practice their times tables at home as part of their extended learning.


Please ask for more details at the school office.

DoodleEnglish works using the same adaptive technology – Proxima™ – that drives DoodleMaths. These algorithms identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses and construct a work program based around them. But this isn’t the only way they have innovated: they have made the most of the touchscreen, going far beyond the standard multiple choice questions offered by their competitors. They know that children learn through doing, not watching; that if we allow them to choose what they study, they will not choose what will progress them; and that children’s confidence and engagement in maths (indeed any subject) comes from a child’s sense of success, improvement, progression – not from turning it into a video game.

You know how important it is for your children to learn their times tables, but it’s hard work for you and for them. Are you looking for an easy way that just works? 

Times Tables Rock Stars is a maths programme that takes all the worry out of learning times tables and has a proven track record of boosting children’s fluency and recall in multiplication and division. 


Times Tables Rock Stars is an award-winning maths learning platform where children can practise their times tables like a rock star! 

Suitable for all learners aged 6 years and up, our question-based games automatically adapt to each child’s unique learning needs, helping them to recall their times tables in record speed. Accessible on any device, via the app or browser, children can play anytime, anywhere. 


Plus, the engaging gamification and motivating rewards mean it is never difficult to entice children to play. Result!

Purple Mash is the new creative online space from 2Simple. Purple Mash hosts an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning every day. From poems to newspapers, masks and 3D models, animations and textured paintings, Purple Mash can support your creative curriculum throughout the year. As Purple Mash is online, children can continue their learning anywhere and anytime. Each user receives an individual login to save and retrieve their work.

Mathematics is a creative subject. It involves spotting patterns, making connections, and finding new ways of looking at things. Creative mathematicians play with ideas, draw pictures, have the courage to experiment and ask good questions.

Wild Maths is a collection of mathematical games, activities and stories, encouraging you to think creatively. We’ve picked out some of our favourites below – have a go at anything that catches your eye. If you want to explore games, challenges and investigations linked by some shared mathematical areas, click on the Pathways link in the top menu.

Happy exploring!


(Wild Maths is part of the family of programmes, including NRICH and Plus, within the Millennium Mathematics Project(opens in new tab)  at the University of Cambridge)

